
Florence Nightingale

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Slide 1: The Early Years * Known for her contributions to the nursing and mathematical fields as well as an important link in English feminism in the early 1850s while struggling with her self-definition and the expectations of an upper-class marital and family life. * Born May 12th 1820 into a wealthy upper middle-class family in Florence Italy, she was named after the city in which she was born. * As a child, Florence was very close to her anti-slavery lobbyist father. Being the youngest of two girls, and having no son, her father treated her as his friend and companion. Her father, William Nightingale, a wealthy English landowner, took responsibility for her education and personally taught her Greek, Latin, French, German, …show more content…

The Crimean War (Blue Slide) * Most of the conflict in the Crimean War occurred on the Crimean Peninsula, which lies on the southern tip of the Ukraine, and the pro-jects into the Black Sea. The Crimea was an important military position for the Russians, bc their naval fleet could access the Mediterranean Sea from the Region. * Britain was not the instigator of the Crimean War. They followed Emperor Napoleon III of France into it. It was the first war the British fought against a strong enemy, Russia, since defeating the French at the Battle of Waterloo in 1815. Because the British Army's victories had all been over smaller and poorly equipped armies in Africa and India, they were ill-prepared for the Crimean conflict. * The temporary quarters en route to the war had been in a disease-ridden pat of Bulgaria. Soldiers were required to leave their kits behind upon proceeding to Crimea. The supplies that were lost were not replaced. Soldiers arriving in Crimea after crossing the black sea where often near death on arrival and many died in the crossing. * The army then rationed supplies to the soldiers who were required to build fires, prepare and cook their own food while being ill with multiple diseases. * Nightingale's contribution to army reform was prompted by the extreme conditions in the British Army's provision of food, shelter, clothing, blankets and medical supplies for the

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