
Florida 's Economic Failure : Florida

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Florida’s Economic Failure Florida can be a beautiful place to live, work, and play and from the outside looking in, it looks like the perfect place to raise a family. The state of the economy in Florida is far from perfect and many of the middle to lower income families that often relocate to Florida hoping for a better life, often struggle to maintain a place to live and a decent wage. Florida residents are struggling to maintain a basic standard of living with the housing market and low wages in this state. Often news reports suggest that the economy is getting better in Florida, but many households are struggling. The State of Florida is not as economically stable as politicians and real estate developers would like for the general public to believe. In 2008 the real estate market crashed because of the Graham-Leach-Bliley Act and Commodities Futures Modernization Act, which led to shady mortgage lending or “liar loans” (Hartman). The loans primarily approved for lower income and middle class borrowers with little income or no job income verification, which lead to many buyers purchasing homes they could not afford because everyone wants a piece of the American dream; homeownership. Because of “reckless lending to lower- and middle-income borrowers who could not afford to repay their loans many of the home buyers lost everything when the market collapsed” (Tankersley 3). Homeowners often continued to live in their houses for months or years without paying any

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