
Hawk Roosting Comparison

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Following A close study of Tyger Tyger by William Blake and Hawk
Roosting by Ted Hughes, discuss the poets' attitudes towards the animals in the poem.

I am following a close study of the poems "Tyger Tyger" by William
Blake and "Hawk Roosting" by Ted Hughes. "Tyger Tyger" is about an evil fearful tyger and was written in the 18th century during the industrial revolution and this is shown in the text as it is written in old-fashioned language. The second poem I am studying is "Hawk
Roosting" which is about a hawk in a forest and was written during the

The first poem I am going to study is "Tyger Tyger" by William Blake.
From the first line of the first stanza " Tyger! Tyger! Burning bright" the alliteration gives the …show more content…

The word "top" not only means that he flies above everything else but also that he is "top" of the world.
The poet feels that the hawk is strong and focused as is shown on the third line "Inaction no falsifying dream". This means that the hawk doesn't need dreams as his life is perfect the way it is. The poet also feels that there is a sense of menace or danger of the hawk as is shown on the third line "Between my hooked head and hooked feet:". The repetition in the word "hooked" gives the hawk a sense of menace. The poet shows how he feels the hawk is arrogant again in the last line of the first stanza "Or in sleep rehearse perfect kills and eat.". This shows that the hawk feels that he is perfect and no one is equal or better than him. It also shows that the hawks like revolves around killing as he is either killing or thinking about killing. By saying this the poet shows that he feels the hawk is a killing machine.

Nicole Kilcoyne

William Blake relates the tyger to it surroundings and the rest of nature and creation by throughout the whole of the poem. For example he mentions "the forests of the night" which makes one think of a huge scary tyger in the dark gloomy forests. Also he says how even the heavens think that the creator has made a mistake in inventing such a horrible killing machine in the 1st and 2nd lines on the fifth stanza when he says "When the stars threw down their spears, and watered heaven with their tears,". Which gives

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