
Food Inc Movie Analysis

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Do you ever wonder what is really in your food? I never really did until I watched the movie Food Inc. and saw the way my food was being treated, so I decided to look into it more and you won't believe what I found out.

In the movie Food Inc. it shows you how the farmers really raise your food. The way the chickens live are not right. Some chicken houses have windows, some don't and the chickens are all shoved into them with barely any room. Some farmers don't think it's right but they can't change it because farmers no longer control the birds and the companies such as Tyson control the birds from the time there dropped off until the time there slaughtered. The companies

think what they are doing is right. Of course farmers don't want to lose there job so they don't speak up and say anything. That is all of them except for a lady named Carol Morison. She states that “it has gotten to a point where it is not right what is going on, and I have just made up my mind i’m gonna say what I have to say, I understand why others dont wanna do it but it’s to a point where I don't care”. Also it makes you wonder when the producers asked dozens of famers to film in the chicken houses and only one would let them… I wonder why, maybe because what they are doing is wrong.

With the rapid rise of the industrial food animal production system, an increasing number of food animals once raised on pastures are now raised …show more content…

The pros for that are less of the H5N1 disease to other birds or humans because with the hormones it is unable to spread, also chickens are larger, producing more food for humans.Then again there are cons which are the process can be long and costly ,also there are many protesters against genetically modifying

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