
Footholds In North America Summary

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Footholds in North America, 1512-1625
- focus on important characteristics of the initial exploration and colonization efforts of SPAIN, FRANCE, ENGLAND, THE NETHERLANDS, AND SWEDEN. Include respective goals

• the earliest attempts to plant colonies failed bc they were predicted on unrealistic expectations (wealth, easy to conquer natives)
• after the European diseases colonization was possible
• built their empire by subduing the Aztecs and Incas
• Ponce De Leon (founder of Puerto Rico) explored the peninsula of FL, named it La Florida and founded a colony in 1521
• 300 explorers separated into several parties, only 4 survived (Cabeza De Vaca)
• Hernando De Soto looked for gold from Tampa Bay to Appalachians and …show more content…

AUGUSTINE IN 1656, served as a base for a chain of Catholic missions
• New Spain's viceroy in 1598 commissioned Juan de Onate to lead mestizos and African slaves up the Rio Grande, seizing the Tewas and calling it NEW MEXICO
• Spanish government replaced Onate because of harshness and brutality

• France entered when King Francis I sent Verrazano to find a northwest passage to the pacific
• Made first attempt when Cartier returned to St. Lawrence with soldiers and women
• French suffered tough losses against the Stadacona
• Next effort was in 1562 when Calvinists seeking religious freedom founded a settlement near present day Jacksonville
• New France was established at Quebec in 1608 for trade purposes
• Battle at lake Champlain, French and Allies against Mohawks
• Through alliance with Hurons, French gained access to the thick beaver pelts, economic and diplomatic arrangements defined the course for New France's …show more content…

- Named it Maryland, intended it to be a refuge for Catholics
- To avoid antagonizing Protestants he instituted the English intuition of the manor
- Also adapted the headright system by offering 2000 acre manor to anyone transporting 5 adults
- Maryland was the first colony spared of a staving time
- Baltimore stayed in England and governed as an absentee proprietor
- Protestants were the majority, being tenants of land and outnumbering the Catholics, causing religious tension
- Baltimore drafted the Act for Religious Toleration, it affirmed toleration of Catholics and protestants but did not protect non Christians, but failed to secure religious peace
Death, Gender, and Kinship
- Tobacco required lots of labor which then required lots of indentured servants to work
- Few women migrated to the Chesapeake society because of the conditions, they were not pleasing for family life
- Women’s scarcity gave them advantage in negotiating favorable marriages
- Greatest killers were typhoid and fever, and after 1650, it was malaria (from sailors from Africa)
- Chesapeake widowers had more luxury than in other places, they inherited all of the land and still had the option to marry a man to work the field for

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