
Foreclosures: Stop the Downward Spiral Essay

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Record high unemployment, declining home values, and a recessionary climate have plunged the housing industry into a downward spiral. It started with lenient mortgage guidelines that allowed millions of people to achieve the American Dream of owning their own home. Eventually they ended up living beyond their means. Adjustable rate mortgages came due and realizing that they could not afford the jump in mortgage payment, homeowners began to put their homes up for sale. There weren’t enough buyers to keep up with the supply, and mortgages began to go into default. Families across America were faced with the reality that they could no longer afford to keep their homes, and foreclosures began to flood the market, leading the nation into a …show more content…

They thought that if the bank loaned them the money, they must be able to afford it. When their mortgage payment increased, they could not afford to pay the higher amount and the foreclosure process began yet again.
These two families represent the homeowners who, if given a second chance, should be able to continue to be homeowners. They were victims of a recipe for disaster created by lenient mortgage guidelines and a recessionary economy. My plan is to keep these homeowners as homeowners, create new affordable mortgages, and decrease the supply of homes on the market. This will begin an upward trend in the housing industry that will stimulate the economy, and bring us one step closer to ending the recession. In order to fix the foreclosure crisis, the supply of homes on the market will need to be sold. My plan creates a team approach to achieving this goal. The team would consist of a realtor, an appraiser, a mortgage broker, and a homeowner. The realtor will complete a market analysis for the homeowner, and the appraiser will do an appraisal for the mortgage company. The mortgage broker will assess the homeowner’s financial situation to determine what they can now afford. The realtor will help the homeowners find a new home at a price they can afford. The mortgage broker will set up a new mortgage with new strict guidelines designed to help the homeowner succeed. The homeowner

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