
Foreign Aid Spending Essay

Decent Essays

Former Homeland Security Secretary Tom Ridge claims that the foreign aid spending is just as essential to safety as defense programs spending, those programs are essential to diplomacy and targeting roots causes of terrorism.

Counterinsurgency funding, military funding separate from national defense funding, is vital in the cases of deterring terrorist groups and lone wolf actors that work to destabilize and terrorize civilians.

Syria’s civil war has overflows of violence all around the world. Groups like ISIS who feel as if the west has caused the plight of the Arabs or Muslims will attempt to retaliate against the west, curbing that overflow by funding NGO’s, United Nations agencies, and other programs that are assisting in putting an …show more content…

are funded by Budget Function 150. Function 150 covers funding U.S. Embassies and consulates to military assistance. It also includes aid to developing nations. Function 150 funding constitutes about 1% of federal funding allocations. $30 billion goes towards foreign aid. Compared to $633 billion that goes into military spending.

Americans on average generally believe that foreign aid is equal to or above 28%, according to a poll by the Kaiser Family, despite the aforementioned information.

Funding to developing nations goes to underprivileged nations and to emerging democracies.

More than 50 million couples worldwide use family planning thanks to U.S. foreign aid, creating more stable households where children will not feel the need to be accepted elsewhere. (i.e. terrorist groups like ISIS.)

U.S. foreign aid expanded educational programs in developing countries and emerging democracies. Literacy rates are 33% higher than they were in the past 25 years. Terrorist groups thrive on under-educated communities, continuing literacy efforts will lead to a more peaceful world.

By spreading “human dignity, and human opportunity around the world,” the united states is making sure that those who are underprivileged will not have to resort to extremes to ensure their status in

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