
Essay about Foreign Aid in Africa

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Over the last 50 years, the world has struggled to maintain an economic balance and stability, while flourishing countries try to maintain a steady income to support its people and relations with other countries. Therefore, when a continent like Africa fails to maintain a stable government and economy, super powers such as America decide to intervene with its relations. Africa has great potential to become another pillar of the world’s economic structure with its mass amounts of uncultivated land. Unfortunately, corruption and irresponsible governments hinder that progress. Foreign aid while helpful should be limited to a yearly amount because it allows the government to repudiate responsibility and gives room for corruption; it creates a …show more content…

The donations or tax paying dollars that go through the governments doesn’t go to the intended uses that the people would have hoped. Money that is spent goes to paying off the drug cartels and gangs to ensure safety for certain people. The trickle-down effect no longer applies when the flow is stopped before it even begins. This is where the missionaries take a part in the problem. These organizations and churches begin supplying directly to those in need. While this aides the needy it doesn’t stop the problem; it simply postpones it for when they leave. This allows the governments to place blame on the organizations that are trying to help. The government no longer becomes accountable to its people. Foreign aid should be limited which would in turn limit the media bias that also helps provide get out of jail free cards when things don’t go as planned. “African governments, even those run by the military, have not in the past few years been spending more on weaponry, but private markets are flooded with affordable small arms. In this situation, the line between criminality and politics has become blurred.”(Whitaker) When turning on the television, commercials come on that are told about the missionaries and the wonderful work that’s been done, but there’s not any insight into how the government is contributing. “Far too many major countries remain

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