
Foundations Of Engineering Lab Report

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Foundations of Engineering Lab Report
Project 2

Dominic Simpson
Department of Civil Engineering
University of South Florida
Engineering has been an essential part of society since man created the wheel. Even from the days in ancient Egypt when the pharaohs built the pyramids they used their own form of engineering. Engineers were always a very prestigious occupation. It was roman engineers who allowed the city of Rome to be built from the palaces to the aqueducts. After the roman engineers built the aqueducts then engineering evolved to a more renaissance approach including building castles and moats. Kings and queens would use engineers for personal statues of themselves or for improvements on their castles. The foundation of engineering completely changed when Isaac newton invented calculus and put a formula to gravity. A couple hundred years later, many engineers focused on improving machinery in the industrial revolution, along with many improvements in the medical field. Lately some of the more popular feats of engineers include large skyscrapers being built across the world, and one of the best inventions of all which is the computer. Computer scientist and electrical engineers have been at the forefront of our most recent technological advancement and will continue to push our technological boundaries to the limits.
A) Electrical Engineering is “a branch of engineering that

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