
Four Geneva Conventions: What To Do In A Time Of War

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The Geneva Convention impacted Global affairs by defining war crimes and how to remain humane in a time of war. The Four Geneva Conventions were created by Henry Dunant, after he witnessed a battle aftermath. The Four Conventions talk about how to treat a prisoner, how to treat civilians, how to release a prisoner, and many more things. These articles and rules helped created the “Rules” for war, and what not to do in a time of war. Henry Dunant witnessed the aftermath of the Battle Of Solferino, in 1859, and was distraught by the thousands of injured and dead soldiers that were just laying there, with no help at all. He decided to set up voluntary relief societies, who would help take care of the wounded in wartime. He then arranged an unofficial international conference in 1863, at which it was agreed that each country should make a relief group to assist the Army Medical Services during war. From this, the Red Cross was formed. The Red Cross, a famous organization helps soldiers and people during war times. The Geneva Conventions are lengthy …show more content…

When a soldier is no longer a prisoner of war, whether it is by release or by making amends, they country who held the Prisoner has to make a statement, signed by a superior officer. Then, they must inform the other group or country. The must keep a list of prisoners who have either been terminated by making amends, release, escape, or death. This This effects coming wars by making the country with the Prisoner of War having to keep track of the deaths, releases, escapes, etc in their camps.It also states the the country who holds the prisoner is that they are in charge of two things, the welfare and health. Females and people under the age of fifteen must be treated with more mercy, which means that they can’t be assaulted(Basic Rules of the Geneva Conventions and Their Additional

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