
Frankenstein Vensor Frankenstein And The Modern Prometheus And Victor Frankenstein

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Titan or Theif In Greek Mythology, there is a tale where a Titan named Prometheus stole fire from the gods and put it in the clay to make man. Like in the Greek Mythology, Mary Shelley has Victor Frankenstein steal life from nature. As Mary Shelley states in the title of her book Frankenstein, or the Modern Prometheus, she parallels Victor Frankenstein to the Titan Prometheus. As Mary Shelley states in Frankenstein the pursuit of unknown knowledge is dangerous. “ So much has been done… I will pioneer a new way, explain unknown powers, and unfold to the world the deepest mysteries of creation( Chapter 3). ”. This quote means that Victor wants to explore dangerous areas that should not be explored. Dangerous and unknown knowledge …show more content…

Prometheus punishment for stealing fire from the Greeks Gods was an eternal hell where a bird will rip out his liver daily for eternity. For Victor Frankenstein, his punishment was similar to Prometheus’s. For Victor Frankenstein, his punishment was similar to Prometheus’s. He too suffered daily as a reminder of what he did. Victor Frankenstein’s punishment is also similar to Prometheus because he too has something ripped away from him. Prometheus had his liver ripped away and Victor Frankenstein had his love ones taken away from him. Both Prometheus and Victor Frankenstein suffer by “ playing God,”. Prometheus crafts man while Victor crafts the daemon. In Paradise Lost by John Milton, Satan and his legion of followers were cast out of Heaven and put into Hell. Satan was cast out because he challenged the authority of God. Like Victor Frankenstein and Prometheus the Titan, Satan did something that caused him to lose his title. Victor Frankenstein was a smart young man that had a lot of promise and potential. He lost all of it because he tampered with nature’s authority. Prometheus was a powerful Titan that stole the right to make life from Zeus; he too stole the power from a higher authority. All three characters, Satan, Prometheus, and Victor, ended up in their own personal Hell. For Satan, he was thrown out of Heaven and was chained to the burning lake in Hell. Prometheus’s

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