
Frederick Douglass Education Essay

Decent Essays

In Frederick Douglass’s narrative, “Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass”, he speaks of how he gained his education. He discusses who helped him and who discouraged him from getting an education. He mainly taught himself how to read and write, but he would have been nothing without the help of one of his master’s wife, Mrs. Auld. This narrative has shown that even the slightest education can be very abundant and meaningful. Through this essay it becomes evident that education is only a privilege. During Douglass’s child hood, it was with great intent that slaves should not have any education. When his master found out his wife was teaching him the alphabet be became furious and said, “if you teach that nigger how to read, there would be no keeping him. It would forever unfit him to be a slave” (Douglass 1762). This was only motivation for Douglass. The things his master said to him gave him did not tear him down but give him more motivation. His master told his wife, “If you give a nigger an inch, he will take an ell” (Douglass 1762). Later in the narrative he explains how he would sneak and read books to help him read. Once when he was caught by his mistress he said, “Mistress, in teaching me the alphabet, had given me the inch, and no precaution could prevent me from taking the ell” (Douglass 1764). He was not going to stop now until he learned to read. The way that Douglass taught himself to read and write was not easy, but he was determined to figure it out.

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