
Frederick Douglass Rhetorical Analysis

Decent Essays

In Douglass's slave narrative he explains the norms of living as a slave, from the time he spent as a child to adulthood. Douglass was lucky enough to know his mother for a short time he recalls in chapter one paragraph three “I do not recollect of ever seeing my mother by the light of day.” (2)She would sneak away to see Douglass in the hours of the night regardless of the risks. This was a sort of tradition for Douglass and his mother she would sneak away to see him spend a little time with him then be gone by morning. Douglass regards his mother as a stranger even though she would come to see him.Douglass did not know much about her or where he came from. “Very little communication ever took place between us” (3) Douglass further proves …show more content…

Douglass is very matter of fact when he writes about his mother. He might have knew of her loving nature but never did he really know his mother. “I received the tidings of her death with much the same emotions I should have probably felt at the death of a stranger”(2) He did not seem too upset with her death he was more upset that he never got to know anything about her where he came from or who his dad was. In the first few paragraphs Douglass depicts that his master could be his father but he will never know for sure. It was a normal occurrence that a slave did not know who his father was or even to not know who his mother was Douglass was lucky to have even known what his mother looked like. In slavery “that the children of slave women shall in all cases follow the condition of their mothers” (chapter one paragraph 5) was a custom but the children would hardly ever stay with their mother after they where born. This law was passed to protect the slave master and their profits, not with the slaves interest in mind. It was A custom that a child would be brought into slavery if there mother was a slave herself no matter who the father was even if the father was the …show more content…

It was A custom that that the name be changed to something less than what it was, Solomon northup's name was replaced with Platt, his identity was no longer that of a free family man or of a gentleman and scholar, he was just Platt on of the many slaves that worked on the

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