
Free Will And Agent Causality

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No one can be the master of their own destiny because destiny does not exist. However, underpinning the question of whether anyone can master their own destiny is the question of whether human beings have control over their own actions. This paper will argue that despite not being able to master destiny as it does not exist, human beings have control over their own actions, enabling them to be masters of their own actions as opposed to destiny. This paper will argue three main points that lead to this conclusion. Firstly, it will establish why destiny does not exist, secondly, that we have free will, and lastly, that we are casual agents. In response to criticisms of free will and agent-causality, I will further demonstrate how these …show more content…

Your friend does not arrive and so you feel her absence. Even though you have several other friends who were not at the cafe, it is only that particular friend’s presence that you genuinely miss. Thus, we can perceive things that are missing. Subsequently, our ability to picture things that have not occurred and things that have yet to happen infers that the world is full of possibilities where anything can happen (Sartre, 1966). Furthermore, as a consequence of existing as “beings-for-itself,” we have free will and this allows us to change our futures (Sartre, 1966). Consequently, our futures will never be “fixed” nor will they be “inevitable” and so it can be concluded that destiny does not exist. Free will which can be defined as the “the ability to select a course of action as a means of fulfilling some desire” (O’Connor, 2014), also allows us to be in control over our own actions. In having choices and acting based upon our inner beliefs and desires, we are able to influence what occurs, inferring control. Consider the situation of being thirsty. You have the desire to drink water and are able to walk to the kitchen, get a glass, fill it with water and drink it. You have made the decision to carry out all those actions as a result of an inner desire to quench your thirst. This is an example of how free will operates and how we exercise it in our everyday lives. Evidence of the existence of our free will can be seen in Jean-Paul Sartre’s

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