
Freedom In Harrison Bergeron

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Freedom is a capacity that helps people to choose, to behave without restrictions and prohibitions. It is a term that defines people’s rights and it helps people to behave independently. Freedom that is mostly expressed in the language of rights determines people’s acts as long as it respects the rights of other individuals. Self-respect and intelligence are also derived from being free. Kurt Vonnegut wrote a story named “Harrison Bergeron”(1962) which demonstrates the importance of freedom and being free. In the story it can be seen that government to protect the equality of human beings uses the technology. The story demonstrates how equality is one of the fundamental principles in the society. Although equality is essential for every society, …show more content…

On 1st April while Harrison Bergeron; the hero of the story was fourteen, government arrested him from his parents George and Hazel. They were not fully aware about the tragedy however. Hazel did not have enough information about the accident because of her average intelligence. In those years average intelligence was not enough to comprehend the accident. George was also not aware of the incident because he was required to wear a radio during the whole day. The government interrupted intelligent people like George, because one day George and Hazel were watching ballet on TV, when a ballerina interrupted the show, because she had important news o declare. She excitedly said, “Harrison escaped” and his photo was displayed on the screen. Then Harrison attacked the studio and said that “I am Emperor and everyone should obey to me”. After that he added that whoever will approach me first, she will be my Empress. One of the ballerinas accepted his request and agreed to be his partner as Empress. They danced and kissed each other, but at the same moment Handicapper General Diana Moon Glampers shoot both of them. The screen of the television started to get darker while Hazel was crying. Then George entered to the room and addressed to Hazel asking why she was crying. She told him that something bad happened on TV, but she did not remember the events. The reason was that her memory had been

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