
Friar Lawrence Responsible For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet

Decent Essays

Could one person be at fault for more than one fatal deaths? In Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare, Friar Laurence is seen to be one of the characters that is at fault for the deaths in the play, including Romeo and Juliet’s untimely deaths. Although many could be at fault for the deaths in the play, Friar Laurence is secretive, rash, and selfish, causing him to be most responsible for the tragedy. Throughout the play Friar Laurence is secretive by hiding things behind others backs, he hides the truth. He does not tell the Montague or Capulet families that there children are married to each other, instead he says he will, but never does. When Romeo has just been exiled from Verona for the death of Tybalt, Friar Laurence says that he …show more content…

He does not think about what he has to go through in order for Romeo to find out about Juliet and his plan. After Paris has talked to Friar Laurence and Juliet goes to his cell, she asks him for a potion; “And, if thou, darest, I’ll give thee remedy” (4.1.76). After Juliet leaves his cell with the potion the Friar says, “Shall Romeo by my letters know our drift” (4.1.114). Friar Laurence gives Juliet the “remedy” without thinking thought about the effects that giving Juliet this “remedy” will cause. Since he knows Romeo should know of what has happened and the “drift,” he sends Romeo “letters.” These “letters” contain the plans of Juliet and Friar Laurence and they tell Romeo about the sleeping potion and why Juliet is using it. The Friar did not check up on these letters making sure that they have been delivered, showing that he does not flow through with his actions. Since Friar Laurence rash, it causes dysfunction and a mishap for Romeo and Juliet’s marriage, which in the end causes them to wind up

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