
Friar Lawrence To Blame For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet Essay

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In the play “Romeo and Juliet” by William Shakespeare the people who are to blame for the deaths of both Romeo and Juliet, are Friar Lawrence and the Nurse. Friar lawrence and the Nurse made six preventable mistakes that lead up to the terrible tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. Friar Laurence and the Nurse are to blame for the suicides of Romeo and Juliet through helping them be together and miscommunicating with others. First, Friar Laurence is to blame for the suicides of Romeo and Juliet because he arranged a secret wedding for the two. When Romeo comes to Friar Laurence to ask if he could marry himself and Juliet, Friar Laurence tries to tell Romeo no for a little while, but after a very little bit of persuading, Friar Laurence says “But come, young waverer, come, go with me,/In one respect I’ll thy assistant be;/ For this alliance may so happy prove,/ To turn your households' rancour to pure love.” (2.4.88-93). Without even thinking about the consequences of marrying Romeo and Juliet, especially in secrecy, Friar Laurence does it anyway. Romeo and Juliet’s death could have easily been prevented if Friar Laurence thought his actions through about marrying them. Secondly, the Nurse and Friar lawrence are to blame for the suicides of Romeo and Juliet by helping them spend their wedding night together. When the Nurse, after she tells Juliet that Romeo was alive she says “Hie to your chamber. I’ll find Romeo/To comfort you; I wot well where he is./ Hark ye, your Romeo will be

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