
Frida Khalo And Gordon Bennett Analysis

Decent Essays

All Artist are influenced by their experience of the world, their personal and cultural beginings and stories. The history and life experience of an artist flows though their work influencing their symbols, style and meaning. Frida Khalo and Gordon Bennett are rich of example this, their art is filled with strong connection to their cultural and personal backgrounds. Khalo had a troubled life of pain and loss; the story is woven through her paintings, where Bennett art is a comment on Australian cultura and the story of his people, not just himself. The art working Diego and I (1946) and Self portrait -But I always wanted to be one of the good guys (1990) are great examples of these artist drawing on their pass.

Frida Khalo was born in Mexico City, has a young woman she was in a bus accident causing her to have life long injuries and pain. The time spent bedridden recovering, allowed her to develop her painting skill. Khalo had deep connection to her culture and heritage using symbols within her work. In 1928 Khalo married Diego Rivera a fellow artist their relationship was turbulent. Diego cheated on her with many other women that effect Khalo and her Art. Due to her injuries, Khalo could never carry a child to full term, this was …show more content…

Bennett art is more of society commentary than telling his story, it about his connect to his heritage and people. Australia culture falls to value and understand the igneous culture. Bennett Art confronts the loss and bigotry he and all igneous people have suffered. “… all the education and socialization upon which my identity and self worth as a person, indeed my sense of ‘Australianness’, and that of my peers, had as its foundation the narratives of colonialism.”(Bennett) He explore the internal confected about belonging feel nether igneous nor a westerner but somewhere in-between lead him to struggle with his sense of

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