
Friendship : Friendship And Friendship

Decent Essays

Friendship When I first started 7th grade in Utah, I was really nervous. I was scared because when I was new at my elementary school it was hard for me to make friends. Then when I got to the school and I met everyone, I realized that everyone felt the same way. We were all starting a new school with new people. It was scary for all of us. I thought I was the only one, when that wasn’t the case at all. Once I figured out that everyone felt the same way, I realized it wasn’t going to be as hard as I thought. When I made my first friend I was really surprised since it was the first day of school. Her name was Sharon and we met in Spanish. During lunch, she introduced me to Valerie. Then about two weeks later I met Sammie. Sammie then introduced me to Isabel. Then in my math class Valerie introduced me to Kyle. I made some other friends, but they aren’t as important as the people I just mentioned. These people became my best friends and still, even though I’m not there, they mean everything to me. I had just spent about 8 months with the best people. I had spent hours with them after school and spent the night at their houses on the weekends. It was the best time, but all good things have to come to an end. My mom and I got into a huge fight because she thought I was spending too much time with my friends and that I wasn’t focusing on my school work. After that I told my dad that I wanted to live with him, because I wasn’t happy. I was happy with my friends just not going

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