
Fundamentals Of Abnormal Psychology

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Annie is a 17-year old female attending Lincoln High School. It recently has come to the attention of her teacher that she appears sluggish and sickly during her first period class. Annie has always had good grades and received a lot of attention from the faculty at school. However, she recently hasn’t been turning in her homework, comes in late to class, and has had a generally apathetic attitude about her education.
One morning Annie’s teacher sent her to the school nurse after smelling alcohol on Annie’s breath. The school nurse called the school police officer who breathalyzed her. Annie blew a BAC of .09, which constitutes intoxication. Annie’s parents were called and she was sent home. Annie was referred to a school counselor …show more content…

Her mother’s nightly drinking hints that there could be a genetic predisposition for alcoholism in the family. The book Fundamentals of Abnormal Psychology states, “One line of investigation has found an abnormal form of the so-called dopamine-2 (D2) receptor gene in a majority of research participants with substance use disorder, but in less than 20 percent of participants who do not display such disorders” (Comer, 2016). It is possible that this receptor gene is abnormal in both Annie and her …show more content…

Her mother would come home late from the bars, spending more time with her co-workers than with her family. Her mother excessively drank. She tried to hide it, but Annie has seen it her whole life. The book Fundamentals of Abnormal psychology says, “Researchers have, in fact, learned that problem drinking is more common among teenagers whose parents and peers drink, as well as among teenagers whose family environments are stressful and unsupportive” (Comer, 2016). Annie was completely alone. She has no father, no available mother, no siblings to confide in. She lacked the social skills to reach out to peers that had a positive influence on her life. Now that her troublesome environment and behavior is being addressed, she will be guided, through treatment, into living a healthy lifestyle and her lack of family support will be attended

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