
GMO Argumentative Essay

Decent Essays

The first created Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) was in the 1970’s, and it was developed by Calgene, INC, which is now owned by Monsanto. GMO is a technology that is meant to help expand the gene manipulation within plants. That technology is supposed to allow plants to be able to be more pest-resistant to allow for more crop yields for our growing world. There are positive and negative effects of the use of GMO, and since that’s the case, I believe we shouldn’t produce GMO because it hurts small farmers and also has health risks. Large companies like Monsanto began patenting genetically altered crops, which has put many small farmers at risk. Considering the many lawsuits that are currently pending between small farmers and Monsanto, the small farmers aren’t protected by the system. It then makes it even more difficult for them to continue to grow and sell their crops. The farmers are suddenly losing their livelihoods at the expense of larger corporations. There currently isn’t a system in place to protect small farmers from monopolies, and we know this is the case because we have companies like Tyson in poultry. Small farmers are more conscious of their …show more content…

Say an allergen is introduced into a tomato plant and later down the road as that tomato plant is modified and ends up on someone’s plate, the person that ingests it at a restaurant won’t know that it is modified, so the person could then die. All because of a GMO plant ended up on their plate. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have stepped up their efforts to regulate GMO, but many of the people that are hired by the FDA or EPA are the same people that worked for those large corporations. So there is still a chance that their efforts could be biased and not up to

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