
Galileo Galilei Research Paper

Decent Essays

Galileo Galilei Galileo Galilei was born on February 15, 1564 in Pisa in the Duchy of Florence, Italy. Galileo’s father, Vincenzo Galilei, was a musician and music theorist. His mother’s name was Giulia Ammannati. Galileo was the first born of six children. When Galileo’s family moved to Florence in 1583 he started his formal education at Camaldolese monastery in Vallombrosa. In 1583 Galileo began to study medicine at the University of Pisa. He had much intelligence and talent. He soon discovered mathematics and physics. While studying at Pisa Galileo discovered the Aristotelian view of the world. In 1585 Galileo left Pisa because of financial difficulties. He did not receive his degree. Galileo supported himself with small teaching …show more content…

This booked showed the world his skills in practical technological applications and experiments. Galileo made a hydrostatic balance for measuring small objects. Galileo gained even more recognition from this book. He then refined his theories on motion and falling objects. He developed the universal law of acceleration (all objects in the universe did this). Galileo expressed his support of Copernicus’s theory, which is that the earth and planets revolve around the sun. This challenged the doctrine of Aristotle and the established order set by the Catholic …show more content…

Galileo made a telescope. He then showed it to some Venetian merchants. They thought it would be important for spotting ships. The merchants gave Galileo money to manufacture several of them. In March 1610 Galileo published The Starry Messenger. This book had the discoveries that the moon was not flat and smooth, but a sphere with mountains and craters. He found Venus had phases like the moon, it rotated around the sun. Galileo also discovered Jupiter had revolving moons, which didn’t revolve around the earth. Galileo found evidence that backed up Copernicus’s theory, which went against Aristotle’s theory and the Church doctrine. In 1612 Galileo published Discourse on Bodies in Water. This went against Aristotle’s explanation of why objects float in water. Galileo said that it wasn’t because of their flat shape, but it was the weight of the object in relation to the water it displaced. In 1613 Galileo published his observations of sunspots, which again went against the Aristotelian doctrine that the sun was perfect. Galileo wrote a letter to a student to explain how Copernican theory did not go against the Bible. Galileo said that Bible was written from an earthly perspective and implied that science provided a different, more accurate perspective. The letter shown to the public and Church Inquisition consultants pronounced Copernican theory unorthodox. In 1616, Galileo was ordered

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