
Gas Cars Vs Electric Cars Essay

Decent Essays

Electric cars are becoming more and more a part of the world today. Society can see them everywhere, from the streets to TV. Car companies like Nissan and Chevy have their own line up of electric cars that perform well. Now one of the most popular car companies, Tesla, can make the Lamborghini of electric cars. To help lower emission levels and jumpstart the industry, the federal government offers a $7,500 tax credit for buyers of pure electric vehicles (Schaal, 2015). Which brings up some common questions; are all these changes in the car industry a good change from the traditional gas engine and are electric cars truly better than Gas powered vehicles making gas powered vehicles slowly become obsolete. Electric cars barely have any maintenance needed compared to gas powered vehicles. Emissions …show more content…

That is additional money out of pocket that nobody wants to pay for in the first place, in contrast with electric cars never need a pesky oil change because electric motors do not require oil to function properly. A few other items an electric motor does not need that a gas powered engine does are: power steering fluid and coolant for the engine. Engine and transmission repairs can cost up to thousands of dollars but since the electric cars don’t have either of those they never have to worry about them again. Horn from the article “Roadmap to the electric car economy” says “The electric motor will also last much longer than its gasoline-powered counterpart because it contains only one moving part.” Since, there is only one moving part to the motor there is a smaller possibility of things to go wrong and need maintenance. This showcasing of the many reasons why electric cars are beating out their competitor because there are less costs needed to maintain the car in a working condition. Resulting in the gas powered car continuing to become

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