
Gate Control Theory Of Pain

Good Essays

Care of Patients with Pain
Daisy Martinez
VNSG 1329
Coastal Bend College Vocational Nursing Program
Mrs. Janet Meakins
November 18, 2017

Care of Patients with Pain Pain is not just a symptom, but a specific problem that needs to be treated. Pain is a neurologic response to unpleasant stimuli. What is the gate control theory of pain? What are the classifications of pain? What are some ways to manage pain?
The Gate Control Theory of Pain
Gate control theory was first described in 1965 by Melzack and Wall. (Gate Control Theory. 2012). The gate control theory recognizes that stimuli other than pain pass through the same gate. (DeWit, S., Stromberg, H., & Dallred, C. 2017, p.124). The gate control theory states that when the gate is open, pain sensation is allowed through; when the gate is closed, pain is blocked. (DeWit, S., Stromberg, H., & Dallred, C. 2017, p.141). The theory relates to nursing practice in several ways: two type of nerve fibers – small-diameter and large-diameter – carry pain stimuli, activity in small-diameter nerve fibers open the gate, and activity in large-diameter closes it, increase in anxiety open the gate, and decrease in anxiety closes it. Fear that pain will not be controlled may increase pain intensity, and knowing pain is being controlled reduces pain. (DeWit, S., Stromberg, H., & Dallred, C. 2017, p.124). Pain is a “neuromatrix” where pain is a multidimensional experience, which stimuli are influenced by experience, cultural learning, and

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