
Smithville High School Bathrooms

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In the last several years the United States of America has shown progression towards equality for LGBT. With whole states being the frontrunners of support for LGBT rights it has become apparent that change is happening. In 2012 gay marriage was legalized in all fifty states, allowing many couples the ability to wed. Close friends of my mom were able to wed because of the law. Not only has there been steps taken for sexuallitys but, also for those who are transgender. In the last couple years the Transgender Community has seen discussion after discussion about the use of bathrooms. It has shown that there’s many who support trans bathroom rights and that the country is willing to move forward. Also on the chopping block of the transgender …show more content…

Not for an evanescent second should a single child/teen be judged,bullied,or ignored due to their sexallity or gender idenification. In every school the students should never feel unsafe, if they do it means that they won’t focus and they might not even show up. LGBT youth should be treated the same as their peers, to do so is to show acceptance and safety. This school year the Smithville High school created a new club appropriately titled “The Gay Straight Alliance”. Showing students that Smithville High School is an open minded and accepting place even though it might not always seem like it. Clubs such as this are allowing for all types of students to join forces and better their experience. It’s clubs and movements like this that should be spread across the nation as it will better the country and show those around the world that they can be wholeheartedly free. Although there are schools showing support it is still an issue in public settings such as stores. The biggest “issue” is bathrooms, should transgender people use the bathroom of their biological gender or the one they identify by? It’s honestly stupid of people to try arguing about a person's right to use a public porcelain bowl that holds water. The bathrooms in stores are public property not private, therefore, if a male to female or female to male trans human being wants to use the bathroom of their choice the they …show more content…

This however, violates discrimination laws that many states have enacted to protect minority groups such as LGBT. By say that service will not be giving to a person due to one detail of what makes them up is pure injustice. It is everyone's given rights that they can be offered what any other human would be. The country was not built on religion hence why the first amendment is freedom of religion. Therefore, just because one does not agree with the lifestyle another leads does not mean they get to just claim religion as the cause. That is simply using one’s own lifestyle against another’s and a straight excuse because there is nothing else for a person to claim. Not only is serves refused but, some also believe that marriage can only be man and women. However, when a person is questioned on this they simply state the cliche line “It’s Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve” just like claiming religion this line is used because it’s all the person has. The problem with the line is that while God created males and females it only states that Eve was created as a “Suitable helper/companion” not as a mate. This means that homosexuals can have many heterosexual helpers and companions however, this does not mean that the homosexual’s suitable helper/companion must be of the opposite gender. Besides homosexuallity there are also arguements over genders. There are many people who

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