
Gender And Gender Equality In The Gender Gap

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It is 2017, and gender inequality is still very prominent, but in most cases, masked. Many people believe gender equality is a female issue, but gender inequality impacts both men and women, so as long as people have this misconception, gender equality can never be achieved.
There are many forms of gender discrimination, but one of them is the lack of representation of women in certain jobs, specifically in leadership and technological positions. Back in 2016, Apple was publicly scrutinized for their treatment of their female employees. Complaints were filed by female staff of sexist comments made by their male coworkers and the loss of opportunity for leadership positions in favor of their male colleagues. While Apple has claimed to work towards closing their gender gap, much have remain the same. Apple’s global workforce was 68 percent male and 32 percent female in 2016, but after a year, their workforce still comprises of 68 percent male and 32 percent female, with only a two percent increase in the number of women employees over the past three years. While women are far under-represented in Apple, Apple’s workforce fares better than other tech giants such as Facebook, Google, Microsoft, and Twitter. Microsoft has the lowest composition of female employees with a workforce comprised of only 25.8% women, but the highest, Facebook, only beats Apple by 1% with a women workforce of 33%. When broken down further by position, the gender discrimination becomes more evident.

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