
Gender Equality In The Blithedale Romance By Miles Coverdale

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In the novel, The Blithedale Romance, the main character Miles Coverdale claims to believe in gender equality. Throughout the novel Coverdale and Zenobia discuss the issues of feminism and gender roles. Although he appears to sympathize with Zenobia’s feminist cause, there were occasions in the novel which proved otherwise. Coverdale’s support for Zenobia’s fight for equality might only be an act to win her approval. The purpose of the Blithedale community was for it to be a place where individuals would be treated equally, however, Coverdale’s mindset has a challenging time of remembering the goal of the community. During The Blithedale Romance, Coverdale would be analyzing people’s masculine and feminine traits. Coverdale does believe in gender stereotypes by constantly thinking about the aspects each gender should possess and his desire for power over women. A way Coverdale demonstrates he is not supportive of equality between genders is by stating what exactly makes a woman. Many people assume that there are times when Coverdale gives the impression of approving women from stepping out from the private sphere. The separate sphere ideology assigns the women to live in a private sphere which gives them the responsibility of being housewives. For example, when Zenobia gave her speech on the various ways women are mistreated Coverdale is quick to show his admiration for women to hold power. Coverdale states, “For instance, I should love dearly-for the next thousands

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