
What Gay Couples Get About Relationships That Straight By Brigid Schulte

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The problem today is we as humans choose what we believe a person should do rather than allowing them to what they desire. No one wants to be tied to what think they should do, only what they the see fitting for theirself. Many believe women should do the cooking because it’s feminine. While men should work because it’s viewed as masculine. However, isn’t it ridiculous to impose gender roles on couples? Today many gay couples are victims of people imposing gender roles upon them, and if you answered yes to the above question. Isn’t it still ridiculous to do this within a same-sex relationship? In this point in time, we as humans are struggling with redefining positions in history, such as; gender roles upon gay couples, and author Stephen …show more content…

He expresses how much he appreciates the compromise of being in a same-sex relationship. Not ¨associating certain actions with very classic ideas of masculinity or femininity,¨ allows both men to be who they want. Mays critiques about the gender stereotypes towards gay people, and another source validates his argument. In the article, What Gay Couples Get about Relationships That Straight, author Brigid Schulte expresses why gender roles are ultimately non-existent in same-sex relationships. Men in gay relationships are more likely to discuss what each partner can manage and do to provide stability to the relationship. (What Gay Couples). This allows couples to avoid gender roles and equally contribute to the relationship. Overall, equality within any relationship is said to be essential because it paves the road for a long-lasting bond. The quote, ¨Imposing gender roles on gay couples is even more ridiculous than doing so with straight couples,¨ is stated at the beginning of this article. The author shows his emotion and views of the subject with this statement. Mays also uses pathos when he discusses that his sexual preference in the bedroom or his daily characteristics have any effect on biology. (What about Gender). It doesn't change the fact that he is a man and wants to give equal effort within his relationship. This allows the reader to understand how he feels about the judgement

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