
Gender Stereotypes On Children

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Gender stereotypes affect children substantially. From the baby boy in blue with trucks and action figures to the baby girl in pink with dolls and princesses, these roles and generalizations affect children’s personalities while they are still developing. Those guiltiest of stereotyping in children’s media are Disney, Nintendo and other video-game companies, and reality television. These influences are expansive, and they reach past elementary-age kids to teenagers. Stereotypes negatively impact children of all ages through these forms of media, and parents need to be aware of this. Disney, and the princess brand in particular, enforces gender stereotypes on young girls. Monika Bartyzel, free-lance writer and mother, accuses Disney princesses of inflicting stereotypes on her daughter. Bartyzel says that her daughter does not run or jump, because it is not …show more content…

This is certainly true—isolated, there is nothing wrong with these things. When these things embody femininity and become the expectations of all women, then they are problematic. Liechty also says that characters such as Snow White and Cinderella are admirable for remaining nice, despite bad people trying to hurt them. Again, she has a point: princesses do teach girls to treat others with respect, but their respect would take them further if it was reciprocated. Liechty’s final arguments involve men: what is wrong with not being happy without a man, and why is it bad that boys are taught to be gallant and courteous? The answers to both are simple. Firstly, there is a difference between loving a person enough that their loss would ruin one’s life, and losing one’s value because there is no longer male attention to validate it. Secondly, the example princes set for boys are good ones, but with gender roles declaring princess movies to be a “girly” thing, most boys may not be exposed to these positive role

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