
Gene Therapy For Cystic Fibrosis

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Gene therapy for cystic fibrosis (CF) is the introduction/addition of normal (wild-type) copy of the CFTR gene/allele to the genome of a person/organism carrying defective/abnormal copies of the gene, done so for the purpose of compensating for the abnormal gene or replacing proteins that the patient cannot produce, thereby correcting the disease conditions created by the faulty gene(s). It is an experimental technique that uses genes to treat or prevent disease. A transgene is a gene that has been introduced into a cell or an organism, with reference to the transferred gene. If successful, the transgene will synthesize the missing gene product and restore the normal phenotype. There are several possible vectors for delivering transgenes, though in the treatment of CF only adenoviral vectors and liposomes are used. Typically, transgene-carrying vectors can be delivered directly to a specific tissue in the body, where it is taken up by individual cells. This is known as in vivo gene therapy. Though conceptually straightforward, the process of gene therapy involves biochemical problems of gene delivery, gene control and duration of gene action, each of which is a technical challenge. Although a cure for CF through gene therapy is not yet available, scientists are aggressively moving forward on strategies that may eventually lead to the permanent introduction of the normal gene or the correction of the defective CFTR gene in an effort to improve dramatically the lives of

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