
Geneic Engineering : The Negative Effects Of Genetic Engineering

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In regards to our ever-changing society, Sir John Beddington proclaimed, “A number of very important factors are about to change our world,” (Beddington). As our species continues to evolve, utilizing the wonders of technology more greatly than ever, we’re faced with dire situations for which a definite, proper answer cannot always be given. One such issue involves the exponential growth of the human populace. As more humans come to live on Earth, more food is needed to sustain life. Scientists believe they’ve discovered our dues ex machina, but as is typical with the human race, people are afraid of what they don’t understand; and thus, they arouse claims lacking any form of scientific foundation. Genetic engineering has opened the gate to global satiation, however, incorrigible individuals have rallied supporters and challenged the solution. Despite their incredulity, genetic engineering has been proven to increase crop yield and to make crops stronger, hardier, and capable of sating the needs of an ever-growing population. Those who denounce genetic engineering often say that GM crops are untested, and the negative effects they spur just haven’t been discovered yet. An article from says, “There’s a danger that modified genes can turn out to be harmful for human health and that the body could develop antibiotic-resistant genes in response to transferred genes” (Agadoni). Agadoni brings up a fair point: genetic engineering is still a relatively new science,

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