
Generalized Anxiety Disorder

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Generalized Anxiety Disorder About three percent of men and women in the U.S. suffer from Generalized anxiety disorder (APAA). It is one of the most common forms of anxiety and seems to be the most left untreated because people don’t know that it can be treated. GAD, although it affects many, is a disorder that can be detrimental to the quality of life of an individual. With the regard to the quality of life, the level of severity that a person experiences is a great factor in determining more information. The accumulated information is a defining feature in figuring the dissimilarity of the normal fight or flight response and the diagnoses of GAD. The disorder itself is that of excessive worry (AnxietyBC) about everyday things like, financial situations, school, family, or health (APAA). Having three or more symptoms such as nausea, shaking, sweating, hot flashes, headaches, and many others, is what contributes to the diagnosis (Patel). Symptoms listed above along with, not being able to sleep to being so nervous that one feels like they are about to become sick. It is a problem when these symptoms become recognizable as a part of inhibiting someone from being able to perform essential and simple talks (AnxietyBC). What may be a normal thing to stress about for one person may be physically and mentally strenuous for another person. For that person, school can be an ongoing stressor with strict deadlines, not knowing how to pay loans, being a loner, presentations, not

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