
Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

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To a normal human, one might think that they can experience anxiety any day. An example is that some people think watching someone scale a building, or someone walk on a tightrope across two high buildings gives them anxiety. Although this is somewhat true, true anxiety is completely different. Anxiety is a serious mental illness that some people unfortunately suffer from. “Anxiety disorders are the most common mental illness in the U.S., affecting 40 million adults in the US” (“Facts & Statistics”) . People who have anxiety disorder are constantly worrying or stressful from normal everyday events. These patients have troubles operating in day to day operations, such as driving. There are different types of anxiety disorders including phobias, …show more content…

Those with GAD experience lavish amounts of worry, usually anticipating the worst even when there is no reason to. Unlike phobias, the anxiety isn't connected directly to something, it just a worry that is always present. These worries that these individuals experience are what normal people experience, such as reaching to work safely, but taken to the extreme. The difference between normal worrying and GAD is that, is that the worrying involved in GAD is excessive and often unnecessary. For example, after watching a news report about a school shooting, the average person might feel a temporary sense of worry for their kids. If you have GAD, however, the individual might be up all night after it and continue worrying for days about a worst case scenario that could happen, maybe even keeping your kids from going to school. To deal with GAD, individuals are given suggestions such as to practice deep breathing, meditation. In terms of treatment, presciprdtions are often given to them. One of the drugs prescribed to patients is buspirone. This is an anti-anxiety drug and takes the edge off but does not completely eliminate the anxious feeling. Benzodiazepine is also a drug prescribed which calms the body (“Generalized Anxiety Disorder …show more content…

Social phobia very common in America, affecting 15 million, and some people confuse this with the occasional nervousness that comes. An example to distinguish between the two would be taking a public speaking class. If a normal person is nervous, they might sweat and stutter, but someone who as a case of social anxiety would try to skip the class entirely and when they finally spoke, they would have lots of troubles speaking. Another is example is giving a speech. It’s perfectly normal to get nervous before giving a big speech, but if you have social anxiety disorder or social phobia, you might worry for days or weeks before it. The individual will do everything to do anything to get out of it, like calling in sick. Someones social anxiety is often triggered by events like meeting new people, being the center of attention (like at a birthday party), being watched while performing a task, public speaking, including speaking up, being teased, etc. People with this mental illness also suffer from negative thoughts, such as “People will think I’m dumb.”, that disable them being apart of the norm. In terms of treatment, psychoanalysis is often used. They use cognitive behavior therapy, a special kind of psychoanalysis. This kind of psychoanalysis is primarily used for

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