
Genetic Disorders: Arizona Connected Care

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Down syndrome is a genetic disorder that numerous individuals around the world suffer from; it is an intellectual disability that is caused by having one too many chromosome 21 copies, trisomy 21. The average person has two copies of chromosome 21 in each cell, whereas, an individual with Down syndrome has an extra copy of chromosome 21. This happens when either the sperm or egg cell undergoes atypical cell division during development. In the United States, there are approximately 400,000 individuals who have been diagnosed with Down syndrome, according to the last census in 2012 (National Down Syndrome Society).
Furthermore, people born with this unique genetic defect share some similar characteristic traits and features that are both physical …show more content…

One, being, Arizona Connected Care, which strives to ensure that the overall health of people with Down syndrome is at it’s full potential. This organization’s main goal is to provide the health benefits and services that are necessary in dealing with the negative health effects associated with this disorder, while maintaining increases in healthcare costs (3). Arizona Connected Care is an establishment founded on the perseverance in achieving their objective, “to create a healthier community while driving down the increases in healthcare costs. We do this by providing high quality care that emphasizes wellness, disease prevention, a focus on chronic disease care, and smooth transitions if a patient is hospitalized” (3). The target and ambition in wanting to provide high quality healthcare to individuals with Down syndrome, and at the same time, keeping the price increases in healthcare costs down, allows them more opportunities to live a healthier …show more content…

A person with the disability for non-mosaic Down syndrome can automatically qualify for such benefits, as soon as, the evidence required, which is a chromosomal analysis is approved by the Social Security Administration. Whereas, for an individual with mosaic Down syndrome trying to qualify for Social Security benefits, they must also be evaluated, in addition to the proof of chromosomal analysis (4). This is due to the fact that people with mosaic Down syndrome can have a range of impairments, which alters the level of the disability from less to severe. For example, a person who is considered disabled at a functional level does not receive equivalent Social Security benefits as someone who is deemed as low

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