
Genetic Disorders: Cardiofaciocutaneous Syndrome Essays

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Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome is a very rare and serious genetic disorder that generally affects the heart, facial features, and skin of an individual. It is caused by a desultory gene mutation, which takes place in one of four genes. Those genes are known as BRAF, MEK1, MEK2, and KRAS. From research, it is also suspected there is a possibility that other genes are associated with the rare condition. This disorder holds multiple alternative names, a long history, obvious symptoms, extensive amounts of interesting data, and is lucky enough to be supported by numerous organizations that will stop at nothing to help.

This rare genetic disorder has multiple alternative names. The shortest one is referred to as CFC syndrome, but the other two …show more content…

This syndrome is not very common, because it is a rare condition. Its prevalence is not certain, but the proximate amount is 5 to 10 individuals per million newborns. Research workers appraise that there are approximately 200 to 300 individuals around the world who have this disorder. It is observed with equivalent recurrence in both males and females over all ethnic groups.

The condition presents itself congenitally. Cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome is a diversified congenital abnormality disorder that has numerous amounts of obvious symptoms. Individuals in possession of this disorder have oddities in their facial features, skin and hair, heart, digestive system, growth, and intellectual ability. Typically, they have a large forehead and head, a concave nasal arch, and droopy wide-spaced eyes. This causes them to be astigmatic and have skittish eyes, which can possibly result in abated eyesight and awareness. Their skin awfully lacks moisture and is quite thick. They have very little curly and brittle hair on their head. They also may not have, or only have very little, eyelashes or eyebrows.

Individuals with this disorder further acquire congenital heart defects. It specifically blocks off the natural blood flow from the lungs and right chamber of the heart and/or causes an anomalous gap in the barrier that divides the heart chambers in two. Another symptom of this disorder are the problems involved in the digestive system. People who have this syndrome are

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