
Genetic Engineering Dbq

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In recent years, a debate has sparked whether or not genetic engineering in children should be allowed. Genetic engineering is done to insure that children are born with certain genes. My belief is that genetic engineering should not be used for selfish reasons such as 'perfecting' our children.

Genetic engineering should not be used to perfect the imperfections in unborn children. The idea that we as humans must fix everything wrong in our lives is somewhat normal. We fix our appearance, our homes, our cities, and about everything else. However, we as humans also have the contradictory idea that we should accept everyone for who they are. In our society, we even praise and romanticize the idea of standing out from the crowd. We …show more content…

"...the human desire for perfect control is insatiable." (Source B) Cohen argues that genetic engineering is an example of people striving for perfection. He says that because humans always desire complete perfection, the need will never be completely satisfied. This is contradictory to our morals as humans to accept everybody for who they are. Editing the so-called ‘defaults’ in unborn children is similar to playing God and would produce a society akin to one in a dystopian novel. The belief that we are all created equally has always been a part of our morals. Parents should love their children no matter what, including the parents of those with genetic disorders such as down syndrome. Beneath this unconditional love, however, hides the idea that our children would be better off without such conditions. It is within our human nature to strive for perfection, including perfect disorder-less children. This desire, still, can never be completely fulfilled, and should not be applied to our offspring. While it can be said that children without disorders, such a down syndrome, would have an easier time fitting into society, genetically engineering these traits out of …show more content…

Other than our desire for perfection, we as humans also have another desire: to learn about ourselves. We have the desire to explore our humanity. We often like to look within ourselves and question things about ourselves. In this way, eugenics should be explored in order to answer questions we have about ourselves. "Humanly speaking, the new genetics seems to have five dimensions or meanings: (1) genetics as a route to self-understanding, a way of knowing ourselves; (2) genetics as a route to new medical therapies, a way of curing ourselves; (3) genetics as a potential tool for human re-engineering, a prospect I find far-fetched; (4) genetics as a means of knowing something about our biological destiny, about our health and sickness in the future; and (5) genetics as a tool for screening the traits of the next generation, for choosing some lives and rejecting others." (Source B) Cohen argues that genetic engineering can be used for a number of reasons. They could be utilized for other positive reasons: it can be used to understand our species to a greater extent, to find more ways to cure ourselves, and to find what our biological purpose is. With this said, it can also be used for negative reasons, such as human re-engineering and screening children for the next generation. This would lead to our control of

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