
Essay on Genetically Modified Food (GMOs): Annotated Bibliography

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Genetically modified food’s, or GMOs, goal is to feed the world's malnourished and undernourished population. Exploring the positive side to GMOs paints a wondrous picture for our planet’s future, although careful steps must be taken to ensure that destruction of our ecosystems do not occur. When GMOs were first introduced into the consumer market they claimed that they would help eliminate the world’s food crisis by providing plants that produced more and were resistant to elemental impacts like droughts and bacterial contaminants, however, production isn’t the only cause for the world’s food crisis. Which is a cause for concern because the population on the earth is growing and our land and ways of agriculture will not be enough to feed …show more content…

Neither the World Bank or the European Union consultant told the president to sell all of his country's reserves, the world bank did demand some of it be sold to pay off debts the country had accrued the previous year. On top of selling of all of his reserved corn the country was battling; poor governance, large country wide debts, HIV/AIDs, and too much rain causing floods coupled with an exceptionally dry drought season. All of these factors complied to the area needing one million metric tons of food to help Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Swaziland, Zambia, and Zimbabwe’s suffering residence. Many countries including the United States donated millions of pounds of corn to try to help feed the emaciated population. The United States however donates in a unique way as compared to the other donating countries. They donate United States grown corn, not money or buying the corn from nearby countries for donation. This style of donation is a double edge sword, so to speak, using local countries to provide the corn or giving the government money directly, boost the local economy of the suffering area. However, it removes money from the United States and does nothing to cut our personal surplus of corn. The United States looks good to its people and those abroad by helping a starving country while employing Americans to grow and ship the corn, all while cutting down the excess stock building up at home, which in a business perspective is a very smart move.

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