
Genetically Modified Organisms ( Gmo )

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Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) is an ongoing controversial issue. GMOs are plant or animal DNA that has been altered to something one would not generally find in nature. The big controversy with genetically modified foods is the unknown. GMOs made their way on the market in 1994, since then there have been speculations with its long-term health effects on humans, and the environment. There has been a split between the consumers, corporations, scientist, and the government because consumers believe they are being lied to. According to the article, “Scientific Controversies as Proxy Politics” by Daniel J. Hicks he states, “88% of scientists said that genetically modified foods are safe to eat, but only 37% of the public agreed” (67). …show more content…

Consumers do not have the right to know if they are consuming GMO foods because corporations also have the right to not disclose certain information. Especially information based solely on “consumer curiosity.” Under the first amendments, compelled speech. there is a certain amount of information the government can require companies to reveal to consumers. The government can interfere only when there is a substantial and relevant need for it. In the article “There Is No Consumer Right to Know” by Jonathan H. Adler he states when it is okay for the government to intervene, he says “Governments at all levels frequently require the disclosure of potentially relevant information about goods or services offered for sale. Many of these requirements protect consumers from harms of which they are unaware and the requirements are relatively uncontroversial” (27). Because there is no harm’s way with genetically modified foods, once again the government cannot compel speech. One may ask “how do we know these foods are not harmful?” In the article, “There is no consumer right to know” Adler states that according to the reports from the National Academies of Science they concluded that GMOs pose no unique health risk (31). For these reasons, GMO labeling should not be mandated. Consumers do not have the right to know if they are consuming GMOs because it increases the cost of foods even for those who do not care to know. According to the article

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