
Genetically Modified Organisms ( Gmos )

Decent Essays

Most of the foods Americans consume today are unhealthy and harmful to the human body. Many foods available are not natural or “real” because they are genetically modified. 80% of the food we consume are processed and genetically modified. Genetically modified foods are created from genetically modified organisms (GMOs). GMOs are plants or animals that have been genetically engineered with DNA from bacteria, viruses, and other plant and animals. GMOs are used because it enhance the flavor of foods, extends shelf life, and prevents from spoiling. Although there are many benefits to GMOs, the danger of consuming them outweighs the benefits in the long run. GMOs were first introduced in the 1990s in the United States. Since then, food allergies in the United States dramatically increased. Health problems such as autism, digestive problems, and reproductive disorders have also increased throughout the years. In the movie Genetic Roulette, a three-year-old boy was diagnosed with autism. After being diagnosed, the parents fed him only organic foods. After the change of diet, they began to notice that his disease was going away. Nearly two years after the diet change, the boy did not show any signs of autism. Their doctor later confirmed that it was his diet that affected his health. Prior to being fed only organic foods, he was fed with processed foods with GMOs. His diet contained corn, tomatoes and baby food (the brand was left unnamed). His parents later found out that the

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