
Genocide In Syria

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If you were to look up the term genocide in the dictionary you would find a definition like, the deliberate killing of a large group of people. In recents years, the atrocities occurring in Syria are controversial on whether a genocide is taking place or not. I do not believe what is going on in Syria is a genocide. Back in2011, Bashar Al-assad began using force on peaceful protesters. He would use military weapons attack civilian buildings like, hospitals and schools. In recent years the conflict has turned into a civil war against the Bashar regime and civilian protesters. The death toll has reached 500,000 people, which the majority were killed by the Bashar regime. The civil war has left thousands dead, with many people risking their …show more content…

The Bashar regime is just trying to hurt has many innocent people as possible till they successfully recapture the power. They do not like how the protesters were speaking out against them, fearing other would turn away, so they used military action to try and regain order. A better term for what is going on in Syria is a humanitarian crisis. What is going on is affect the wellbeing of all Syrian people, not just one type of person. In conclusion, no i do not believe what is going on in Syria is a genocide. However, it is just has horrible as one. Innocent people are dying for no good reason, but it is not one specific group. In some sorts I find what’s going on is worse than a genocide, due to the fact that no one is safe, and anyone can be a target . All Syrian people are affected, and have to fear for their lives. I do not believe the government of Syria is guilty of perpetrating genocide in Syria. Like I said in the previous pages topic, what’s going on in Syria is not a genocide due to the fact that a specific group is not being targeted. However, what the government is doing to their own people is outrageous, and they should be punished …show more content…

What’s going on is merely the government fearing its people, and they are doing what they think is going to solve the problem. However, they are nonetheless guilty of murdering their own innocent people. I do not believe the Syrian government is innocent, but calling what they are doing a genocide is just the wrong terminology for what is going on. The issue is that what is going on is so similar to a genocide that people find it easier to call it one. The government is just dealing with their fear in a cruel and inhumane way, but they are not guilty of genocide.
Continuing with the issues going on in Syria, I do not believe that the International Criminal Court should suspend or eliminate the charges against Bashar al-assad if the government is cooperative in reaching a settlement of the Syrian Civil War. The fact is Bashar Al-assad is guilty of crimes, and it should not be overlooked just due to the fact they found a resolution to the civil war. In some ways he is the reason for the Syrian Civil War lasting this long. The peaceful protesters were just voicing their opinion, when he decided to intervene using military

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