
Gentrification In Canada Essay

Decent Essays

Canada’s history of colonialism and immigration are central to the larger understanding of the nations happenings. In terms of their role within popular culture, it has been seen in myriad ways. Bring different than Canada’s said to be white Canadians founders - French and English - is often used as a means to further commercial tendencies, especially in the twenty first century. Canadians focus more on the short term in a quest for immediate gratification. This paper will highlight the use of colonial and immigration differences to further personal or public agenda’s, or rather neglect them completely. It will assess So You Think You Can Dance, Canada, second, the gentrification in Riversdale, Saskatoon and finally the contemporary Haida …show more content…

Like most gentrification it works to push out crime or negative nowhere lands and replace when with more fluorescing “attractive” places for people to be. It is not attracting young people who desire to open up small businesses and see a revitalization or repurposing of a space that was once considered to me far less desirable (Casey 4). With a racialize history and a differing option of how things should have been done, it becomes a challenge to approaches the new while not displaying the old (Casey 8). This is often much easier said than done. Gentrification works to change a space, often the result of an urban revitalization (O’Brian & Szeman 274). Transforming the public space, of which often encroaches on the private space of homes in the process or redevelopment (O’Brian & Szeman 274). The physical space of Riversale was to be transformed and for the purpose of cleaning up what was claimed to be a troubled area. It speaks to the reality of Canadian life and frequency of colonialism talking residence of old or immigrant faces. It works to further colonize the country - in uncertain terms - even from a contemporary perspective. Moving out the one and taking up space with the

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