
Gentrification In Research Paper

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“Words are not passive; indeed, they help to share and create our perceptions of the world around us. The terms we choose to label or describe events must, therefore, convey appropriate connotations or images of the phenomenon under consideration in order to avoid serious misunderstandings. The existence of different terms to describe gentrification is not an accident, neither is the plethora of definitions for it” (Palen & London, 1984, p. 6). SAY SOMETHING Peter Marcuse (1999) argues that, “how gentrification is evaluated depends a great deal on how it is defined” (p. 789). Defining gentrification properly is necessary for anchoring an analysis of neighborhood change, particularly in light of recent scholarly efforts to replace the term (to describe the process) with less critical names like: ‘urban renaissance’, …show more content…

The author points out that race, and in particular, long histories of racism and injustice like that of the U.S., are effectively eradicated within neoliberal discourse because human agency is understood as a series of individualized ‘choices’. Success, argues the author, is attributed to, “entrepreneurial genius while those who do not succeed are viewed either as failures or utterly expendable . . . neoliberal racism either dismisses the concept of institutional racism or maintains that it has no merit” (p. 65). Such claims, according to Slater (2009) not only “strips gentrification of it historical meaning and gut it of its conceptual content, they are also analytically defective” (p.

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