
George Washington's Farewell Speech

Decent Essays

History has the unrelenting power to reenter our present lives and show that it is far from a dormant topic that is drilled into school students. The past has a purpose to teach us, to provide us with the knowledge of our failures along side our successes. The past is there to be sure that we do not continue to make the same mistakes endlessly. If we constantly look toward the future without remembering our country’s past experiences, than we are going to concede to repeat.
Memories that made a difference only remain within the generation, simply faltering out into textbooks and old documentary movies. The Fault is not that of the younger generation for not being alive when something significantly impacts the way the country functions and thinks as a whole. Take a simple act of Japan attacking Pearl …show more content…

During Washington’s farewell speech, he tells the country about his thoughts on political parties within the government. "However [political parties] may now and then answer popular ends, they are likely in the course of time and things, to become potent engines, by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion." Washington clearly shows the weak points of these political parties, how they will be negatively affected in a way that negates the entire purpose of the creation of political parties. It does display a pattern of ignorance by the United States when they do not listen to the logic of veterans that are vastly knowledgeable when it comes to politics. Washington was not the only one, for it is all former soldiers who sacrificed so much for the freedom of our

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