
Geothermal Energy: How Does It Work?

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What is it? How does it work?
Geothermal energy is the use of the Earth’s heat as energy, hence geo- (earth) and -thermal (heat). Geothermal energy is generated in the Earth’s core by the decay of highly unstable radioactive particles, which create heat when decayed. Geothermal energy then moves toward the surface through the mantle, mostly near where tectonic plates (the geological divisions of the Earth) meet via convection currents. This energy heats holes in the Earth that are filled with water, which are known as reservoirs. This makes steam, which can be piped up to either district heating systems (to heat houses, businesses, etc.) or geothermal power plants (to make electricity which are sent to houses, businesses, etc.). One place …show more content…

The dry steam plant is used when there is just steam in a reservoir. The steam is pumped up into the plant to push a turbine, which powers the generators and sends electricity to homes and businesses. Flash steam plants start by pumping extremely high pressure and hot water in and evaporating it. It converts into steam and pushes the turbine. When the steam cools, it condenses back into water and is pumped back into the reservoirs to be reused. Flash steam plants are the most common of the three because they are the cheapest to run and can be reused for a long time. Binary plants pump water to another liquid, which steams and pushes the …show more content…

They can do this by creating an artificial well, which is drilled and heated by humans. Geothermal energy is still new in Vermont but is being recognized as reliable and feasible. While it is expensive to install (as much as $5,000 per ton), it is worth the deal as it lowers the price of heating bills to about 20% of the cost of using propane. Plus, a geothermal heat pump normally lasts for more than 20 years. Overall, the use of geothermal energy can vary from a small usage to a large usage. It is most likely to be useful for smaller operations such as individual buildings because of the small amount of space that they tend to take up. The fact that utility companies would need a large number of geothermal heat pumps and space for them to power and heat a town or city is another reason of why geothermal energy might not bode well for larger utility companies. However, they could be useful on a larger scale for utility companies who want to make money as it is a cheap and renewable energy source that doesn’t harm the environment and is available 24 hours a day. Also, it might be easier for a utility company to get a geothermal heat pump than it is for a person because of the cost of the pump

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