
Gervais 'Can Money Buy Happiness?'

Satisfactory Essays

Gervais, Sarah. "Can Money Buy Happiness? Three Psychological Principles to Consider Before You Make Your Next Purchase." University of Nebraska-Lincoln Department of Psychology, Web. 11 Nov. 2015. Accessed 3 Oct. 2017.
Sarah Gervais, Associate Professor of Psychology at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, discusses three ways in which money can buy happiness for a person. She discusses that money can only buy happiness to a particular level, how experiences bring more happiness than material objects, and how giving to others increases a person’s happiness. Additionally, she emphasizes the importance of a person finding happiness before spending money on objects because a person cannot find happiness in material possessions. The amount of detail she incorporates in her …show more content…

Their studies focus on the relationship between a person’s happiness and genes. Through the studies, the doctors discovered that long-term happiness is more related to a person’s genes than items money can provide. The format of the article, where each study is separated into a couple paragraphs, allows the reader to understand and connect the results of each study. Although the author, Daniel Goleman, never participated in a study pertaining to this topic, he is reliable because the information presented in this article is from doctors, who are knowledgeable in their fields. This proves he completed lots of research before writing this piece. Additionally, Goleman had over twelve years of experience writing for the New York Times, which adds to his credibility. Although the information could be dated since the article was published in 1996, it still contains data which is relevant to happiness.
Marte, Jonnelle. "Analysis: Money can buy happiness - if you know how to use it." Washington Post, 12 Apr. 2016. Opposing Viewpoints in Context. Accessed 3 Oct.

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