
Gittos And The Rape Culture

Decent Essays

When it comes to questions of women's oppression, and particularly an issue like rape, the views of women, particularly feminists and rape 'survivors', are today to be accepted unquestioningly.

And for Gittos, the implications of the rape culture discussion for important legal principles, freedom of speech, and even our ability to use our own judgement in our intimate lives are extremely troubling.

Rape culture includes jokes, TV music, advertising, legal jargon, laws, words and imagery that make violence against women and sexual coercion seem so normal that people believe that rape is inevitable.

Rather than viewing the culture of rape as a problem to change, people in a rape culture think about the persistence of rape as 'just the way …show more content…

For example, Gittos is critical of a claim made in 2013's Crime Survey for England and Wales that '0.5 percent of females report being a victim of the most serious offences of rape or sexual assault by penetration in the previous 12 months, equivalent to around 85,000 victims on average per year.' the ratio of reported offences to subsequent convictions, with the 'conviction rate' read here as the ratio of cases that actually reach court and result in a …show more content…

These claims could lead many women to be overly fearful about their risk of rape and also lead some victims to conclude that there is no point in reporting an attack because there is little prospect of a conviction.

These reinterpretations of traditional British law quickly led to rape charges being brought against two 10-year-old boys for raping an eightyear-old girl.

Indeed, Gittos's book begins with the case of 'M,' a 16year-old boy with a very low IQ who was convicted of raping a 14-yearold boy.

Some claimed this was an example of 'rape culture' because it minimized the suffering of the victim or because it highlighted the macho and sexually aggressive nature of all-male groups, particularly in relation to sport.

In the UK, there has been a furore just as intense as the one mentioned above over the case of a Welsh international soccer player, Ched Evans, who was convicted of rape and sentenced to five years' imprisonment after having sex with a woman who was deemed to have been too drunk to

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