
Global Health : Annotated Bibliography

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Global Health Socio- Biography
On March 21st, 1998, I was born as a premature baby, who looked extremely weak and was experienced shortness of breath. My parents were concerned as I was coughing my lungs out day in, and day out. However, the doctors were not too concerned as my asthma was typically seen in premature babies, and assumed it would be temporary and would leave overtime. Nonetheless, these predictions were inaccurate. As time slowly progressed my asthma began to get worse. I was having trouble breathing and, was constantly grasping for air.
One day while I was at home, I stopped breathing, and collapsed. My mom immediately took me to the hospital. The doctor gave me some medicine using a machine called the nebulizer: that …show more content…

I explained to them my airway in my mouth, due to the dysfunctional breathing, causing mucus to build up and making it harder to inhale.
In grade five, I went on my first trip to India, I was excited for the new adventures that I would be experiencing but I was also worried how the atmosphere and whether it would affect my asthma. Within the first couple of days of our arrival I began experiencing shortness of breath. This may have been due to the enormous amount of dust, and air pollution that was in an air. Hence, I had to be extra cautious about my surroundings so that I didn’t expose myself to things that make it difficult to breathe. This is when the first time my father explained through the hardships he faced growing up, and why he had left India. Since, I never heard any stories from my father about what types of conflicts he had gone through in his life he had told me something today that I will never forget. He started off telling me about his lifestyle when he was young kid. He started off his story by telling me how he grew up in a village with insufficient supplies of resources such as water, food, transportation, and other daily necessities. He told me how both him and my grandparents had struggled to send him to school because unemployment was very common and how it was very difficult for him to go to school. Although by grandparents received loans from family and friends he had finally made it to university. He

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