
Global Warming And Its Effect On The Environment

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In these days Global warming is one of the major problems of 21st century in front of the world. The major cause them is carbon emission. Every time fossil fuels such as gas, coal or oil burn, it releases carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The effect of all this extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is that the overall temperature of the planet is increasing. Whilst the average global temperature is increasing, on a day-to-day level the climate is changing in unpredictable ways. So it is necessary to control the emission of atmospheric carbon and for that people have suggested different kinds of ideas. Carbon tax is considered as one of the effective ways. Carbon price is the tax on the emission of carbon into the atmosphere than the decided level as well as it is a tax on energy sources which emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. It is effectively a tax on pollution (Wright, 2011). However, some people argue that there could be some ways to change the climate like energy conversation and planting trees, these ways could be good but a carbon tax’s environment effects such as reducing the amount of carbon in the atmosphere and decrease the temperature, increases in consumer product prices and inflation as well as an effect on the employment rate, putting a price on carbon is the best solution for climate change because it is the most effective way for climate change.
Economy is clearly associated with carbon tax. Goods which do not emit carbon would become cheaper and

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