
Global Warming And Its Effects

Decent Essays

Global warming was once speculative but, after much research, it has since been scientifically proven by a number of methods. One such method is that used by paleoclimatologist Lonnie Thomas who collects the cores from ice masses all around the globe for his analysis of stable isotopes found in oxygen as discussed on page 452 of the text. Essentially, Thompson and his team concluded from their findings that “…most ice cores indicate that the last 50 years were the warmest 50-year period in the last 2000 years and, in some places, for the entire Holocene! Our climate is clearly going to grow even warmer and less hospitable” (Larsen 452). What, exactly, is global warming? “The increase in the average temperature of the earth’s atmosphere …show more content…

Although I’m not always certain, at the moment, I think I’m human! Yeah, I’m pretty confident about that so, as a human, part two of this discussion calls for me to think about what the future may hold for my species if we continue on the path that we’re on, and if all of the groundbreaking accomplishments that we have achieved throughout the course of human evolution, our material culture specifically, will ultimately lead to our demise. And, if so, what, if anything, can be done to stop it? Collectively, what are the biological consequences of global climate change—global warming caused by greenhouse gases in particular; population increase—overcrowding more specifically; and technology—such advanced technology that humans’ physical activity has been reduced to be precise? On page 468 of the text, the chapter summary really wrapped it all up rather nicely, and, so not to take too much of your time, I will heavily rely upon the concise answers provided there to approach part one (although there are tons of additional details that my human little self is dying to shower you with). Global warming potentially threatens future food supplies for the growing world population, especially in poorer regions. Population increase places stress on resources, including food supplies. Population increase and associated crowding lead to poor sanitation and enhance the spread of existing and newly emerging infectious diseases. Population

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