
Global Warming, Not Caused by Humans

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Global Warming, Not Caused by Humans
In modern America few problems prove to be as fundamentally problematic as the theory of human induced global warming. Its repeated coverage from within the media and political arena are influencing people worldwide, putting those who think differently in an outcast shadow. The truth of the matter is, to not believe in human induced global warming has become politically incorrect and unacceptable in the public eye. The theory of human induced global warming can be defined as the rise in temperature through human pollution of greenhouse gases resulting in catastrophic alterations in the earth 's environment. However, human pollution of greenhouse gases is so minor that it is not a contribution to the …show more content…

Also, in a period after World War 2 that economist call the Post War Economic Boom industrial production was at an all time high. If production is at an all time high greenhouse gas emissions are also at an all time high then ultimately the temperature should rise. However the temperature decreases in the Post War Economic Boom further more opposing the statement that human emissions cause a temperature rise.
Lastly, Congress ratified the Clean Air Act in 1967 that forced many product manufactures to limit their products emissions of pollutants and greenhouse gases into the atmosphere. Once again less greenhouse gases should cause a decrease in temperature, but from the time the amendment was ratified in 1967, the earth has seen the five hottest years on record (EPA). With the understanding that human emissions are not the cause of global warming the risen question is why is the temperature rising? To answer that question an understanding of basic climatology is needed.
John Carlisle, the director of Environmental Policy Task Force of the National Center for Public Policy Research, believes that Earth is currently in a warm interglacial called the "Holocene" that began 10,700 years ago. Between 6500 B.C and 3500 B.C, the temperature increased from 58 F to 62 F. This is the warmest the earth has been during the Holocene, which is why scientists refer to the period as the Holocene Maximum.
Since the Holocene Maximum, the planet has continued to experience temperature

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